5 Types of Headaches and the Best Ways to Get Rid of Them

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Cluster headache

It is very rare headache and affecting very few population.Cluster headaches are more coomon in males.

Symptoms:  cluster headache occur mainly during sleep and causes pain behind and and around your eyes and also on one side of the head. It may cause redness to eyes, sensitivity of light etc.

Causes: The causes of cluster headache have not been found yet.

Treatment: Treatment of Cluster headache by own is not an easy task as the pain appears and disappears spontaneously. It’s better to consult doctor in order to solve this problem. 


Causes:  Alcohol cause dehydration and also causes dilation of blood in the brain that triggers migraine and develop pain in head.

Treatment: The best way to get rid of this type headache is drink plenty of water, painkiller and have some good sleep. 


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