Try This If You Want To Get Rid Of Age Spots

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When you grow older, you notice some visible signs of ageing on your face. Among them are wrinkles, fine lines, age spots and many more. Women’s are fond of their beauty and would never want it to fade away.

But ageing is a natural process and their is no cosmetic that can prevent it. The only thing that can fight a natural phenomena is nature itself. So today we bring you an amazing remedy that’s pretty natural and you’ll be amazed by its results.

Ingredients required:-

1. 30 grams of persimmon leaves

2. 30 grams of Vaseline

Procedure :-

1. Wash the persimmon leaves and pat them dry.

2. Leave them for a while in the shade so that they dry completely.

3. When completely dried, grind these leaves to obtain a powder.

4. Add vaseline to this powder.

5. Apply this to your face, where you see age spots and massage for approx 15 minutes.

6. Wash your face after that.

How this works?

Persimmon leaves have amino acids, ruthenium, vitamins, tannin in abundance. The antibacterial and antiinflammatory properties also help in providing a soothing se sensation. Vaseline will help in keeping the skin hydrated and you will see the effect in 10 to 15 days of use. Massaging will aid in improving the blood circulation.

Alternative method:-

You can also prepare a hot drink using persimmon leaves. This will enhance your beauty like never before.

Benefits of the drink:-

1. Cool down your body.

2. Boost immunity.

3. Reduces the blood lipids, prevents coronary heart disease and hardening of the cerebral arteries.

4. Regulates blood pressure and ensures smooth blood flow to each part of your body.

5. Acts as a laxative and helps you lose weight.

6. Has a soothing sensation

7. Reduce visible signs of ageing like age spots.

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