We Didn’t Even Know That the White Spots Around The Eyes Can Affect Our Health… The Doctors Haven’t Told Us Anything!

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Usually milky spots mostly appear on newborns and also affect the people of all ages. The trapping of keratin under your skin surface creates a small cyst in the form of white spots which is also known as white dots. They are mainly seen appearing on the cheeks, around eye area, on the face and the nose. They accumulate fat and sebum. They appear due to several reasons such as skin burns, blisters, exposure to sun, repeated laser treatments etc.

Here in this article we share some natural white spots treatments techniques.

Face scrub made of lemon and sugar

Lemon has antioxidant, antiseptic, antibacterial and bleaching properties which are very beneficial for treating white spots.  Prepare a mixture by adding sugar, lemon and olive oil. Gently rub this mask over your face and leave it there for 15 minutes and then rinse it off using cold water.



Honey is very effective for holding the moisturizer of your skin as it keeps hydrating your skin. All you need to do is to is to prepare a paste by mixing honey, sugar and jojoba oil together and apply it on the affected areas.

Castor oil

Usually castor oil are used in the treatment asthma, bladder problems, constipation and different infections, but it is also very much beneficial in treating the skin related problems such as acne and milia.


Corn starch and apple cider vinegar

Prepare a paste by adding ACV with corn starch and then gently apply it over the affected area and let it be there for at least 25 minutes and then rinse it off with cold water.

Fenugreek leaves

Prepare a paste by mixing a fenugreek leaves with some water into a mortar and then apply this paste over your face and let it be there for at least 15 minutes.

Stay away from direct sunlight

Prevent your skin from the exposure to sun as it may cause damage to your skin and avoid using heavy makeups.

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