Wrinkle-free soft hands are just 4 ingredients away!

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Hands are a very essential part of the body, all of us want to have soft sands with no sign of wrinkles on them or even saggy skin or fine lines. We even get ourselves into thinking how the celebrities might go for plastic surgery in order to have perfect hands.

Some of us worry a lot about keeping our face the best but neglect the importance of taking good care of our hands too. But this is wrong, your hands very visibly show signs of aging long before your face does. You might think of getting a new hand cream but wait, here is an easy recipe to get your hands what they deserve. Just make sure you take care of your hands as much as you do for your face! You wouldn’t want a pair of old lady hands with a youthful face!

Here is a simple guide for you to follow which will render youthful hands!

  • 2 tbsp milk
  • 1 tbsp cucumber juice
  • 2 tbsp gelatine powder
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda

Take a microwave proof bowl and add all these ingredients, mix them well before placing it in the microwave. Heat it on the highest setting for 12 seconds. After heating, the paste like mixture would have become liquid. Mix to make a fine solution, in case of lumps and heat again.

Procedure to use it on your hands:

Use a pastry brush to apply it on your hands and leave it that way before it dries off completely.

It dries and gets converted into a peel off mask, which can easily be peeled off!

Peeling off will also remove tiny hair along with tan and dirt.

Apply the mask routinely three times during the first month of use, and you can use it frequently then. You will start to notice change in the texture as well as color of your hands and they will feel more soft!

Benefits that individual ingredient provides:

  • Milk

Milk is a natural moisturizer. It not only helps in making your hands appear softer but also reduces wrinkles to a great extent!

  • Cucumber juice

Cucumbers contain Vitamin E along with being a moisturizer. It helps skin to restore the lost moisture and leaves an hydrating effect. The liver pods and the veins would no longer be visible.

  • Baking Soda

It acts as a natural exfoliator and helps you in getting rid of sunburn and darkness of skin. It neutralizes acids and help in removing blemishes. It is the element that adds the rejuvenating element to your hands and makes them look younger.

  • Gelatine powder

This will effectively help in converting the mask into a peel off mask. So that the mixture sits evenly across your hands and is effective!

This mask will help in making a huge difference as to how your hands look. Removing the hair, it will make your skin smoother and look younger. It can be prepared easily using easily available ingredients.

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