How to Grow Thicker and Attractive Eyebrows

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We all want thick and perfectly shaped eyebrows but unfortunately not all of us have naturally thick eyebrows and most of us accidently loss the natural thickness of the eyebrows. Our mistakes result in light and not so good shape of eyebrows, which could be treated by many methods but if you want to treat it naturally and permanently you should seek natural remedies. Here are some of the remedies that might help you out.

Method 1: Castor Oil

Castor oil is one of the most inexpensive methods to regain or generate a healthy growth of our damaged eyebrows. Damaged eyebrows are the result of over plucking and waxing as it slows down the hair growth. As a remedy castor oil stimulates the growth of the hair by penetrating deep down into the skin and contains all the sufficient fatty acids that promote hair growth.

Single-Step Treatment: Apply castor oil on your eyebrows

  • Pour some castor oil into a small bowl and use your finger tips to apply the oil into the eyebrows.
  • Massage the eyebrows using your fingers for several minutes so that the formula could reach deep down and work more efficiently.
  • Let the oil stay for several hours and then if necessary you may wipe it off using paper towel.
  • If applied once or twice a day the results would be visible after 4-5 weeks.

Method 2: Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has been pure life savior since ancient times as it not only prevent hair fall but also help in regaining the health of hair back. Coconut oil contains several acids like lauric acid which prevent further damage of the hair and provide all the essential nutrients which stimulate hair growth.

Single-Step Treatment: Apply coconut oil on your eyebrows

  • Pour some coconut oil into a small bowl and then dip your finger in it and apply the oil into your eyebrows, do not rub the eyebrows harshly as it could pluck off the hair.
  • Massage gently and slowly so that the oil could reach deeper and specially apply coconut oil where you have mistakenly plucked the hair.
  • Let the oil stay overnight or at least 30 minutes and if necessary wipe off the oil otherwise let it stay if you want it to.
  • The result would be much visible around 6th week.

Method 3: Olive Oil

If you are going through severe damage o the hair of your eyebrows then nothing will help better than olive oil. Olive oil is easily available in any kitchen or nearby store and contains all vitamins like vitamin A and E which nourishes your hair and promotes fast hair growth.

Single-Step Treatment: Apply olive oil on your eyebrows

  • Pour some olive oil in a small bowl and use your fingers to massage the oil into your eyebrows, apply the oil in sufficient amount and it should be applied more than it is needed as it could spread all over your face.
  • After applying use massage the oil proper lie into your eyebrows for several minutes.
  • It would work much better is you let it stay overnight and for this you will have to apply olive oil before going to bed.
  • Use this method for several weeks for healthy growth of hair; you can notice the change around the 6th week.

Photo credit: fabhow

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