A new year brings new hope, and hopefully, new experiences. And while making New Year’s Resolutions on New Year’s day might seem like a good way to kick things off, it might not be. Think about it for a second. How many times do you make resolutions only to quit them (or forget about them) a few weeks later? We’ve all been there! But there’s something you can do about it — start your resolutions early….like, right now. Not only will it give you time to really think of what you’d like to change, but you’ll be able to get your life in order sooner. Who wouldn’t want that? Here are a few resolutions you can start right now to help you start enjoying your life even more:
Start Eating Healthier
This is probably one of the most popular resolutions out there, don’t you think? The problem with wanting to eat healthier is that it takes time…and research. You can’t just wake up and expect to really know which foods are good for your well-being. That’s why you have to start this resolution early, so you have time to figure out what ingredients are best and explore different recipes.
Be Financially Savvy
Finances are hard to keep track of during the holidays. Not only do you have to buy gifts, but you also have to spend money on winter clothes. Which is why I recommend starting this New Year’s Resolution as early as possible….like, today. That way, you’ll be able to manage your spending during the most costly time of the month (aka the holiday).
Talk To More Strangers
Making friends once you’ve graduated college isn’t easy. Unless you’re a part of clubs or intermural leagues, you’re probably not meeting a ton of new people. Don’t just sit around wishing you had more friends — make friends. Say hi to strangers you see when you’re out and about and actually try to strike up a conversation. This might seem scary and weird at first, but it works. Not only will you get friends out of it, but you’ll also become even more extroverted.
Work For What You Want
Vision boards might sound cheesy, but there’s a science behind them. Sometimes, writing your dreams down so they’re visible can enhance the likelihood that they’ll actually come true. With that said, you don’t have to create a huge, wooden, DIY vision board. You can simply keep your goals written in a journal. Just make sure you look at that journal often so you’re constantly reminded of what you’re working towards.
Plan A Trip
A lot of people want to travel more. So why is booking a trip is easier said than done? It’s either a money issue or a difficulty pulling the trigger. It’s hard to plan a trip and then book it. There is something you can do, though, to make sure you actually start traveling more. All you have to do is take the time to plan! Have a list of places on your vision board and start making plans. The easiest way to make sure you start traveling more is to plan ahead of time so you can be sure you have the money and time to make your trip a reality.
Go Through Your Wardrobe
This might not be the most glamours New Year’s Resolution but it’s something you should definitely consider doing ASAP. Odds are, there a ton of clothes in your closet you don’t need anymore. Whether they’re too big or too small, don’t just leave them in your closet to take up valuable room. Donate them to charity or consider selling them online or to a second-hand shop. De-cluttering your space, even a small space like your closet will help you feel more at peace.
Find A Significant Other
There’s nothing wrong with wanting a significant other in the new year. Everyone wants to be loved! But unfortunately, love is hard to find — especially if you spend the majority of your time just sitting on your couch. In order to find a significant other, you have to get out there! So go ahead and download dating apps, attend single events, and ask your friends to set you up. The only way to find a partner is to make yourself available and accessible.
Become More Efficient
Everyone wants to be more efficient. But it’s not easy! There just aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything done. Thankfully, there are ways to get more out of your day. How? By waking up early and going to bed early. Do you actually have a set “sleep” schedule? If not, it’s no wonder you don’t get much out of your day. Before you go to bed tonight, look at the time and decide on a bedtime that works for you. Once you have that bedtime, stick to it….every night (or at least most nights) to ensure you have enough energy during the day to be effective.