This Is What Your Body Language Says About You

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6. Shrugging your shoulder signals weakness and doubts

This body language speaks that you have lack of interest and your confidence level is not that much high and you are full of doubts that you are not strong enough to clear out .According to medical science this body posture signifies that you are not physically strong and according to psychology it is a body language that shows disinterest and mindful of doubts


7. Posture highly effect the way we feel about us

Our body posture also defines the personality we posses and signifies whether we have high self esteem, confidence and social.  Good postures also reflect the state of mind we have. It also determines if we are good at communicating with others or not.


8. Lip biting is not always flirty. It also indicate fear and anxiety

Usually lip biting is considered as a sensual act but sometimes lip biting indicates anxiety, nervousness. One acquires this habit when he/she is constantly dealing with depression and anxiety.

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