10 Superfoods For Moms-To-Be To Develop Baby’s Brain

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8. Peanuts for Vitamin E:

Peanut contains folate and folic acid that are essential elements for preventing premature birth of baby and also promotes proper growth and development of the baby and its brain. Peanuts are also beneficial for allergy prone mothers as it will prevent the baby from getting any allergy.

9. Greek yogurt for Iodine:

Greek yogurt supplies all the nutrients which are the need of pregnant woman on daily basis. Greek yogurt contains listeria, bacterium which prevents the baby from getting life threatening infections and also promotes development of baby’s body.

10. Avocados for Monounsaturated fatty acids:

Avocados deals with the ‘morning sickness ‘and are the package of all the vitamins which promotes proper development of body growth and improves the structure of the baby’s brain. Avocados are highly rich in fats which fulfill the daily need of calories of the body.

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