5 Super Effective Yoga Poses for Beautiful Breasts

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2. Triangle pose

Triangle poses also known as Trikonasana improves the blood flow to your breast. It strengthens the thorax.

  1. Give gap in your legs according to your height. Turn your left foot at an angle of 90 degrees and your right foot at an angle of 15 degrees.
  2. Try to touch your left foot using your left hand. Make sure that your right hand is straight in an upward direction.
  3. Look in the upward direction and repeat the asana.

3. Cobra pose

Cobra poses also known as bhujangasana helps in increasing the volume of your lungs. It stretches the muscles and helps in getting wide breast.

  1. Lie flat on your stomach. Take a deep breath and slowly raise your torso. Raise your head and look in front.
  2. Make sure that your lower body is absolutely straight. Keep your arms and legs balanced.
  3. Exhale deeply and attain the initial position. Repeat the asana for about 6 to 7 times.

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