5 Super Effective Yoga Poses for Beautiful Breasts

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4. Bow pose

Bow pose also known as Dhanurasna is miraculous in treating back pain. It also helps in stretching the thoracic muscles and increasing breast size.

  1. Hold on your ankles using your hands while lying on your stomach. Bring your ankles and head as close as possible.
  2. Breathe out sharply. Make sure that only your stomach is in contact with the ground. Hold the position for about 30 seconds.
  3. Release, relax and repeat.

5. Supported headstand

Supported headstand also known as Salamba Sirsasana regulates the blood blow towards your head and breast. It takes a little experience to perform but gives amazing results.

  1. Knit your fingers with each other. Place them on the ground and touch the back side of your head to your fingers.
  2. Raise your legs straight. Keep it slow as you need to maintain an excellent balance. Hold this position for about 30 seconds minimum.
  3. Rise the time according to your ability. Relax and come down to the initial position.

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