Can You Pass This Spelling Test That 90% Of People Fail?

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3. Fiery or firey

Fiery is an adjective which is used for the people who are quick tempered in nature whereas firey has no meaning .An exchange of places of “e” and “r” could leave the word without any meaning.

4. Exhilerate or exhilarate

Exhilarate is a verb used to express a strong feeling of happiness. You may find it easier to spell exhilarates but somehow few people unintentionally spell it as exhilerate.


5. Minuscule or Miniscule

In actual, some words are real confusion for our mind as the way we pronounce it affects the way we have to spell it. For instance, the pronunciation of minuscule and miniscule is very much similar which leads to error in spelling these two words.

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