Most Useful Things If You Know How to Use Them

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Sometimes the things that are meant to be something are quite useful in other ways as well. All you need to do is to use your imagination and creative thinking for the same. These ideas will definitely make your life simple and even helps you to save a lot of money.

So, here we go!

Use Dustpan instead of Hose: What is the need for a hose, when we can use dustpan at that’s place. Isn’t it helpful?

Use Spaghetti at the place of Match: In case you want to light a candle in a glass holder, and you don’t want to really burn your hands. Just light a stick of spaghetti instead of a match.

Vicks Vaporub: Generally it is used for treating colds etc. But it can be used in many other ways because of its antibacterial properties. It can be used for soothing inflamed pimples, caring your feet, reducing stretch marks and stopping pets from scratching furniture.

Wooden Clothespin: It is not easy to keep your hands safe while hammering a nail. So, place the nail into a clothespin and hold the other side with a finger.

Olive Oil: We all know that how olive oil is so great for our skin and hair. But did you know that it can be used to paint leather? If you want to make your leather article look dark, then all you need is to polish it with olive oil.

LEGO: Popular construction bricks for kids can be very useful for the home.

Tomato Ketchup: If your hair looks bad after a worse dye then don’t worry, here is a simple solution for you. Take a few tsp of ketchup and spread it on your hair with plastic wrap and wash after 30 minutes to get the desired results.

Plastic Cup: It can be used as a measuring cup. So enjoy your drinks.