How To Use Onions For Hair Growth

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Onions for Hair Growth

Onions are scientifically proven to be beneficial for hair growth and also help in strengthening and improve blood circulation and provide the hair follicles with sufficient nourishment. Onion has anti-bacterial properties, so it helps with scalp infections and prevents breakage of hair direct from roots that might contribute to hair loss. Furthermore, it contains the enzyme catalyses, which is an anti-oxidant that can prevent premature graying.

Onion Rinse for Hair Growth:

Things you will need:

  • 1 onion
  • juicer
  • container


  1. Peel an onion and chop it down after the chopping process, squeeze the juice by using juicer and extract out it in a container.
  2. Apply this mixture using your fingers and massage it in your scalp for 2-3 minutes and let it stay for at least 15 minutes and then rinse it off with the help of mild shampoo.
  3. The results would be earlier as well as better if you apply this mixture twice a day and apply this mixture for 1 month for positive results.

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