What Do These Red Dots on Your Skin Mean?

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1. Many of us get angiomas at the age of 30 and more because at this stage our skin and blood vessels changes. It is mainly noticed on the arms and shoulders and looks like a small cherry mole.

2. Health problems or the wrong lifestyle.It may also occur due to problem in liver, vascular diseases or a hormonal failure. It looks like a spot and begins vascular branches.


If the angioma suddenly changes its size, shape and starts bleeding then you need to consult to doctor as soon as possible. Angioma is not a serious issue but yet to be on the safer side consults a doctor if needed and also take precautions that it will not appear in future also. The best prevention in order to stop getting these red dots is a healthy lifestyle and balanced diet. Eat fresh vegetables and fruits, drink juices and plenty of water and also take healthy fats like avocados and olive oil. These tricks will definitely keep your skin healthy and young and also keeps angiomas away.

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